A Main Difference Between DIR/Floortime and Purely Behavioral Interventions

6 Feb


I am just back from Istanbul. I love the Turkish people! Their hospitality and kindness is overwhelming, they are family oriented, and they love the DIR/Floortime model! This is a video of me talking to a group of therapists, doctors and parents of people with autism in Istanbul, Turkey, on the subject of the difference between behavioral interventions and developmental support. I discuss the basic difference in the philosophies of the two different ways of approaching persons with autism and other developmental challenges. I am speaking slowly because there is a simultaneous interpretation of my lecture going on, and I am trying to give the interpreter a chance to catch up with my words. He did an amazing job!

I hope to be going back to Turkey soon. There is a committed group of people doing great things, and it is exciting to be a part of that work.

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